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Tristan Roberts

Professional bodyboarder Tristan Roberts received a call to head up the coast on a sporadic weekend trip, hoping to score some waves at one of the West Coast’s most notorious slabs the next morning.

Little did he know he’d score the wave all to himself with a group of photographers and videographers capturing his every angle. The slab transformed into a high performance wave machine as Tristan launched higher in the air, further into the flats and scooped deeper into the pit. He’d catch one wave and then be hooted at, from the water, by photographer Allan Horton and videographer Michael Veltman to scratch back out there – and drop straight into the next set.

Edited by: Michael Veltman
Filmed by:
Michael Veltman (Water)
Wesley Lewis (Land)
Daniel Grinwis (Air/Drone)
Title Design by: Wesley Lewis
Music: Gomina – Stupid (Fulgeance Remix)