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Great White Shark Attack

Here at Webodyboard, we don’t often share our strong personal opinions (we leave it up to you to decide)…. that being said, F#@K these fishermen for laughing at such a serious situation! If you are reading this Steven, we hope you have a speedy recovery!

“A 10 foot long great white shark, hooked by a fisherman and fighting for its life, took a bite on a distance swimmer in the waters off the Manhattan Beach Pier today.”

“The shark, estimated by county lifeguards to be 10 feet long, bit the 40-year-old man (Steven Robles) in his upper right torso and then spat him out, said County Fire Inspector Rick Flores. The swimmer had stable life signs and moderate injuries, and was bleeding but conscious and talking to paramedics as he was loaded into an ambulance among weekend beachgoers on The Strand just south of the pier” – Words by City News Service.