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mandurah wedge
28th January 2020

Medge Summer Slowmo Session

“Hot off the back of my Boogafied Summer Warmup Session, I headed back down to Mandy Wedge to catch the first summer swell of 2020. It wasn’t much but a few rad riders managed to bust a few ramps and catch a couple of sneaky barrels. Shot mostly around 150fps on the trusty Red Epic ‘Chuck’, the glass i used is my workhorse Canon L-series II 70-200mm, Edited and Graded in DaVinci Resolve.” – Benjamin Berkhout.

Starring in order of appearance Josh de Legh, Lewy Finnegan, Callum Layton, Davis Blackwell and Dan Steel.

Music by Abbe May ‘Napalm, Baby!’ off the record ‘Kiss My Apocalypse’