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Joel Parkinson bodyboarder Portugal

Yet more friction between local bodyboarders and Pro Surfers, this time with Joel Parkinson and Barrela, a local bodyboarder and shaper from Peniche.

Showing little respect Joel brazenly dropped in on Barrela at Supertubos, the video below shows the altercation that took place directly after. Also shown in the video is a short interview with Joel Stating:-

“There’s always a couple of heated moments, It’s the day before the event, you’re trying to catch a couple, and y’know, there’s a few bodyboarders, there’s always one or two bodyboarders that are, I guess, trying to stamp their authority. We were just trying to get waves, and I had a little run in, but it’s all sorted, it’s all good. I think if we all show respect and treat each other how we should treat ourselves, I think it’ll all work out. But definitely, I think it just gets heated when there’s not a lot of waves, and one comes and it’s your turn, and someone drops in, so… that’s how it happens.”

This kind of disrespect is becoming more and more common, the most recent and publicised being the Dave Wassel / John Duval controversy which can be viewed HERE and HERE. Local bodyboarders from all over the world have had enough. RESPECT THE LOCALS!!!